Rosie and Mommy had a girls night out tonight… dinner and dessert + Barnes and Noble ! She always knows how to have a good time— and get Mommy to buy more books.

Finishing Strong

Rosie took her last spelling test of third grade today, and with her score off 100%, she can now proudly say she made a 100% on every spelling test this year! Over the last three years in Lower El (grades 1-3) she has only missed ONE word— and she is quick to remind you that the week she missed the word, she had a really bad head cold. 😂🥴🤧 Proud of you, RBG!!

School Service Day

Today was Rosie’s school service day! Each class picked a service project from somewhere in need in the community. Rosie’s class collected diapers and wove the coziest blankets for Bundles of Hope, and they also wrote letters to veterans.